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There are beginner runners that have no idea on what running shoes to buy. what to eat before race day, etc. 
So, we made a list of Common Running Myths and the truth about these..

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beginner runners, Brooks running, easy run, fun run, nike running, recovery run, road running, runner, running, running apps, running club, running essentials, running facts, running mistakes, running motivation, running terms -

 Aside from getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet, there are also other ways that you can do to better yourself. Here are some tips on how you can recover...

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beginner runners, road running, runner, running, running shoes, running terms, trail running -

Started running and heard all those unknown, plain weird, or even funny terms?What's Pace? Fartlek? Stride? Improve your vocabulary as you improve your running!BUTEvery runner needs to have a solid foundation, a good running shoe!To be more efficient, safe from injury, and run comfortably. FORM The way you position and hold your body while running.   PACE The amount of time it takes to cover a mile or kilometer.   WARM-UP Warming-up the body pre-run.   COOLDOWN Slow movements or stretching that allows the heart rate to return to its normal state.   CADENCE The total number of steps per...

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