How To Recover After A Long Run Or Hard Training

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How To Recover After A Long Run Or Hard Training

Running long and working out hard requires enough rest and recovery to be  more efficient next time. So how can we recover? Aside from getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet, there are also other ways that you can do to better yourself. Here are some tips on how you can recover...



As we all know, our body consists of 60% water. And as we run longer and train harder, we sweat and lose a lot of fluids. The heat and humidity is also a big factor that contributes to dehydration. So, make sure to hydrate immediately, preferably within 10-15mins after activity after running or exercise.




Our feet deserve some TLC too. After a long run, make sure to replace your shoes with recovery sandals.
Let your feet breathe from wearing socks and running shoes for a long period of time. This will also help your wounds or blisters heal faster since the moisture and sweat of your feet are no longer contained.





Training for a long-distance race would sometimes require you to wake up really early in the morning.
Some can't even sleep the night before race day. So, get some sleep after a tiring day. It's definitely okay to get a few days off--some even take a week to rest and recover.
In this way, you'll be more efficient the next time you run because you've had enough rest. Your body will have enough time to repair torn tissues and muscles and heal any injury you had.




It's nice to get celebratory drinks sometimes, but make sure to eat some recovery food first!

You deserve to eat like a king after running long and training hard! But, always remember to eat the right food and that your body is already familiar with it. Eating the right food for recovery will help in rebuilding your muscles, rehydrate your body, replenish lost energy, and help you prepare for your next race o event.





Stretching after a run or training helps loosen up tight muscles and helps your body cool down gradually, making it recover from all the physical stress it receiveIt also helps minimize the chances of the dreaded DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness), especially when hydrated properly, and can help in your flexibility and prepare you for Stretching after a run or training helps loosen up tight muscles and helps your body cool down gradually, making it recover from all the physical stress it received.


Have you had enough recovery and ready for a new run?

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