How To Run Your First 5K

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How To Run Your First 5K

As someone new to running, one of the goals most newbie runners want to achieve is finishing your first 5K.
And training for that isn't that easy. There are a lot of factors to consider before running your first race.

So, we made you a guide to keep you on track!


Have you asked yourself why do you want to start running? Are you running because you want to improve your health? Trying out a new sport? Want to test your limits?

Are you aiming to run longer or faster? What ever your goals may be, don't pressure yourself much but don't get too easy on yourself too. Challenge yourself always and you'll discover amazing things that you can accomplish as you train.



To be able to run your first 5K, you have to start planning your runs. Start by running in the morning everyday. Don't think of the speed and distance first, focus on building a habit of running daily.

A good way to push yourself to get up and run is bringing a friend with you or join your local running club! Running clubs often have a schedule for their trainings and everyone is welcome regardless of fitness level. They even have beginner programs which will teach you the correct running form, pacing, breathing, etc.



As a beginner, there are days that you don't feel like running and lazy to get up. That's definitely okay, it happens to everyone.

 Here's a helpful trick:

Get a piece of paper and write down your "why" (why you chose to run). Place it somewhere you'll be able to see it the moment you get out of bed. This can help remind you that there will always be a reason to run.



Having a running playlist of your favorite songs can help you be pumped up for running. Just be mindful of your surroundings especially when running on busy streets.

There are also people who enjoy being one with nature. Listening to the birds chirping while enjoying a beautiful, quiet scenery helps them be in the zone. What ever works for you, go with it!



Avoid procrastinating when it comes to

your running shoes, attire, and gear. Get the right pair of running shoes so that you'll avoid injury and run comfortably.

Wear good quality running socks to avoid having blisters and to help stabilize your feet.

Make sure that your running attire is lightweight and breathable. Choose fabrics made with polyester or synthetic material to avoid chafing. Avoid wearing cotton, which absorbs sweat and makes you feel heavier the more you sweat.

Lastly, don't forget your race bib (and safety pins).

You can't run a race without it. Remember the golden rule when running a race, DON'T WEAR ANYTHING NEW ON RACE DAY!



There are races that show the participants the route for race day so they can prepare in advance, especially on what shoes to wear and adjust their training.

There are routes that often have uphill or downhills, while some are just flat. There are places that are cold, while some are humid.

Do some research ahead of time so you can prepare for what's to come.



No matter how hard you trained and prepared for it, don't forget to enjoy!

You may bring your friends and family there to support you.

You'll feel more motivated if you see them cheering you on until you cross the finish line.

A lot of runners with different fitness levels will be there, so don't be too intimidated. Some might be faster or slower than you. So just be yourself!

The first race high is different and you'll never forget it so cherish every minute of it.


Ready for your first 5K?

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