Which is better? Running in the DAY or NIGHT?

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Which is better? Running in the DAY or NIGHT?

Do you run more often in the morning or in the evening?

Whether you are just starting to run or already running for a long time, a common debate amongst runners and sports enthusiasts is what time of the day is actually the best time to run? When is the best time to maximize your  performance? Why is it important to run in the morning or at night?

Learn more about the pros and cons of running in the morning vs. running the evening in this blog post.




-Running in the morning can get you energized in the morning and be able to accomplish more activities before the day ends.

- It's usually easier to squeeze a good run in the morning.

- Sets up the mood for the whole day.

- Clears and freshens your mind.

-Frees up your evening so you can rest early.

- Sets good habits for you: waking up early in the morning, eating breakfast, and stick to your schedule.

- Inhaling oxygen in the morning is healthier and safer, as well as running with cooler air in the morning than midday heat.



- Waking up early in the morning for that 5 am run can be hard especially, if you slept late the night before.

-If the weather is cold, it might be hard for you to run having stiff joints and, your muscles aren't that flexible yet. You might take more time doing dynamic warm-ups to increase your body temperature.

- You might not have enough appetite to eat early in the morning therefore, you won't be able to fuel yourself for your run.

- Running can be hard for night owls who work during the night.

-After having a long run, you may feel tired, sleepy, or sluggish. Either you might want to take a nap or don't have enough energy to do the activities for the day.





- Running during the evening helps you unwind and clear your mind after a long and stressful day.

- Heavy or intense training can be done in the afternoon or at night since our body's temperature is already at its peak and it's much easier for our muscles to move since we've been doing some activities during the day.

- It also helps our body burn more fats during the night--aside from burning fats as you sleep.

- You won't have to endure the heat and humidity, just the cold breeze (depending on the weather).



- I might be tired after a long and stressful day and would just choose to go home and sleep early. You won't have enough energy to do intense training if you feel drained.

- You might have a hard time sleeping at night since you're body is all energized.

- You might want to avoid eating a heavy meal for dinner so you can run efficiently without a heavy stomach.



No matter what time of the day you choose to run; day, noon, afternoon, or night-- it all depends on you and how you manage your time and energy. Run when you feel you can when you feel that you need to, and run because you can run. Just remember that you always have to do warm-up and cooldown exercises as well as recovery runs after a hard and intense training.


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