How To Make Your Running Shoes Last Longer

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How To Make Your Running Shoes Last Longer

Our running shoes are the most important thing we must have if we really want to pursue running. We must take care of it so it can take care of our feet. Learn how to preserve your running shoes here:



Owning multiple pairs of shoes may help reduce the risk of injuries. As time goes by, the foam of our running shoes compresses and absorb less shock when we often use it. Letting it rest and rotate between 2 or more pairs of running shoes may help the cushion decompress and bring it back to it's original state.


Wearing them regularly and for casual use like shopping or casual walking daily will cause their decreased life span. The casual steps that a person takes on average are about 2-3 miles per day and maybe wasted on your high-performance running shoes and add up quickly to early wear and tear on them.

Remember, to get long life and stability from your shoes, use them for the purpose that they were intended and help them last so they can give you many miles of the top performers. Your shoes will reward you with the longevity that you deserve!



For these " specialized shoes, proper care, and storage is essential to ensure their longevity.

Be sure and avoid places like the garage, you car trunk or the back deck.

These areas can ruin the fabric, print, and event the adhesive/glue.

Instead, store them in a cool, dry place to let them breathe. Take time to untie the laces rather than kicking them off after use and try to remove the insoles too. A box with holes can be ideal for the safe preservation of the shoes to ensure that air gets in.



Before buying that perfect pair of Running Shoes that literally can GO THE DISTANCE with your runs, consider the following:

Will you be running on slippery or rocky terrain?

Will you be running on hills?

What elements will you expose your shoes too?

Dirt, mud, or gravel?

These conditions and terrain require a shoe that is up for the task, and "TRAIL " running shoes are your best bet! However, If you plan on only running on flat pavement, a pair of standard running shoes will work just fine as they're designed for flat surfaces.


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