Common Running Heat-Related Injuries

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Common Running Heat-Related Injuries

Running in the summer? We just can't avoid the heat and humidity. Hydration isn't enough so here are a few common running heat-related injuries and how to avoid them!



Heatstroke is the most severe heat-related injury that may lead to disability. In some cases, even death. Heatstroke happens when our core temperature rapidly increases and reaches 104 F (40 C) or higher. Other symptoms include: vomiting, nausea, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, lack of sweat, unconsciousness.



Heat cramps are painful\spasms or muscle cramps that occur when exercising or doing an activity in\n a hot environment. Lose of electrolytes and dehydration largely contributes to heat cramps. It often occurs in the calves, arms, and abdomen. Make sure to hydrate before, after, and during your run to avoid dehydration. When cramps occur, try some light stretches and walking slowly. The cramps should fade away in a short period of time.



Various skin types react differently to the sun. Some get sunburned easily. Frequent running and long hours of exposure under the sun will make one's body vulnerable to slight fever, can cause chafing and blisters ,skin cancer, skin discoloration, moles, and wrinkles.

UV rays brought about by extreme sun exposure can also damage our eyes and may soon lead to various eye problems. Be sure to limit your time under the sun, put on sunscreen before leaving the house, wear a cap, shades, and always hydrate as much as possible.



Fluid-filled blisters occur because of sweat and friction. To avoid this, make sure to wear sweat-absorbing socks to absorb the moisture. Putting on anti-chafing creams or gels can also help.


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