Benefits of Joining a Running Club

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Benefits of Joining a Running Club

Want to start running but need a little push? Are you a beginner who doesn't know where to start? Or are you just curious on why there are a lot of active running groups in your community?


Joining a Running Club is a whole lot of fun! You won't just gain miles, but also running buddies whom you can grab along whenever you feel like running!

Know about the benefits here:

  • Accountability and Companionship

Having a running club is a good way to help you get started and even make friends with beginners and veteran runners. It can be your support group.

Regular training sessions and a 10 mile run won't feel long and boring when you have like-minded people with you who can push you to keep going.


  • Explore New Routes

Take on a new adventure with your running friends and get off your usual routes. Your running club can introduce you to new routes that are challenging, safe for runners, and often times have an amazing view.


  • Find New Races

Running clubs are always updated on the newest races locally and even abroad. They can even encourage you to train with them regularly, and even run with them during race day.


  • No Room For Excuses

You will meet people with different experiences and fitness level's when you join a running group. What's good about it is that you can say to yourself that "if he/she did it, I can do it too". 


  • Consistent Training

Running clubs often offer free training with their in-house Coaches and fellow experienced runners who generously offer their time and effort in helping runners improve themselves.


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